Christian Leadership Framework (CLF) 360 Survey Privacy Policy for Survey Respondents

Elixan Consulting creates and offers, via the Internet, systems, surveys, and exercises for individual, group, and organisational development.

You have been invited to participate in one or more of our surveys online; in doing so, you may provide information that is of a private and confidential nature. We therefore encourage you to review the following questions and answers about our practices regarding online information, privacy, and related issues.

Why are we collecting your data?

We are collecting information to provide feedback to you, your colleague, your team, or your organisation to support change and development initiatives. This information and feedback will focus on such topics as your personal styles, skills, and performance; and/or the behaviours, impact, and effectiveness of a colleague or someone known to you. Please see the "How will we use your data?" section below, which provides more information about the specific survey you are completing or exercise in which you will be participating.

What data are we collecting and storing?

Christian Leadership Framework 360 Survey asks you to provide information about yourself or another person you know well.  

The types of personal information that may be collected at our sites or provided by your organisation include: name, organisation, e-mail address, and positional information pertinent to the use of the survey or exercise you are completing and directly related Christian Leadership Framework products and services.

 We may collect certain technology-related information when you visit our Web pages such as the type of browser and/or operating system you are using, the screen resolution of your monitor, the domain name of your Internet service provider, and the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the device you are using to access the site.

Elixan Consulting is a Data Controller (as defined by the European Commission) with respect to all of the information collected.

Elixan Consulting retains personal data, as necessary, for the duration of the relevant business relationship. We may also retain personal data for longer than the duration of a project or the initial business relationship should we need to retain it to respond to follow-up questions from clients, provide clients with analyses on changes between the initial data and subsequent retest data, protect ourselves against legal claims, use it for analysis or historical record-keeping, or comply with our information management policies and schedules. If you request that we delete your personal data, Elixan Consulting will make reasonable attempts to delete all instances of the information in their entirety.

Will we use your data for research?

Elixan Consulting, as a Data Controller, reserves the right to use the collected data for the on-going statistical norming and validation of its surveys and measurement scales. To that end, we may create anonymised data files consisting of the answers of specific groups of respondents (based on demographic or positional variables) from multiple organisations. Similarly, we may develop anonymised files consisting of the solutions proposed by individuals and teams to problems posed by our survival simulations and business exercises. These files would be used to support analyses to improve our surveys as well as to develop and market new products that may be of interest to you, your organisation, your industry, and the marketplace in general. We also use aggregated or archived data to carry out research on individuals, groups, and organisations and publish the results in journals, books, manuals, or other outlets. The confidentiality of individual respondents and their organisations is maintained in the use of these aggregated data sets.

Will we use or share your data for other purposes (e.g., Marketing, Technology Development)?

You will not be asked to: provide information related to ordering additional products; express opinions or feedback on products (except prototypes); subscribe to other Christian Leadership Framework services; or participate in online forums (except those, if any, directly relevant to the survey or exercise that you are currently completing). We will not use your information for marketing purposes.

We may sometimes use the non-personal information that we collect to improve the design and content of our site and to enable us to personalise your Internet experience. We also may use this information in the aggregate to analyse and facilitate site usage.

We may disclose personal information in response to a legal process, for example, a court order or a subpoena. We also may disclose such information in response to a law enforcement agency's request though.

Agents and contractors of Christian Leadership Framework or Elixan Consulting who have access to personal information are required to protect this information in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Statement by, for example, not using the information for purposes other than carrying out the services they are performing for Christian Leadership Framework. Other than with these agents and contractors, we will not share information with third parties (e.g. marketers, magazine publishers, retailers, participatory databases, and non-profit organisations) that might want to market products or services to you. 

Finally, Christian Leadership Framework will not use or transfer personal information in ways unrelated to those described above without providing you with an opportunity to opt out of any such unrelated use.

How do we protect your personal information?

We have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and help prevent unauthorised access, maintain data security and prevent its loss, and correctly use the information we collect online.  We store your survey or exercise data on a server hosted by Vultr. Visit their website to learn more.

Do we transfer data between countries?

No, survey data collected in Australia and elsewhere throughout the world are stored on servers in Australia . Your responses and personal data will be accessed, managed, and processed by Christian Leadership Framework office in Australia.

How can you contact us?

For information about our products and services, please email  

How will we use your data?

The responses you provide to the Christian Leadership Framework 360 Survey will be scored and analysed to generate feedback that will be used for leadership and/or individual development.

The feedback reports developed on the basis of Christian Leadership Framework 360 Survey data describe individuals’ behavioural styles and capability and in some cases, personal effectiveness. These reports include charts and data that summarise the survey responses. Responses by individual others in certain cases may have their responses reported separately.  Reviewers are advised of this before they complete the survey.

The feedback reports are provided to recipients in either electronic or hard-copy format through a consultant or coach administering the development program. Note that, Christian Leadership Framework delivers feedback reports indirectly via coaches rather than directly to the individuals being described. If you do not know who is administering the program in which the Christian Leadership Framework 360 Survey is being used, you can contact your Christian Leadership Framework to discuss how and by whom the report will be delivered.

The survey results are intended to support personal and professional development initiatives and will be used by the individual to establish action plans. Therefore, Christian Leadership Framework reserves the right to correct any data collection errors or omissions that would otherwise affect the accuracy or completeness of the feedback provided to the individuals participating in the development program.

Data summarised in individual feedback reports within organisations, departments, teams or training groups might be combined with data in similar reports to generate composite results and group-level reports. In developing these reports, personally identifiable data are aggregated in ways that maintain individuals’ confidentiality.